Who are we and what do we do?

ZnojmoRegion is the only certified one destination company representing the tourist area Znojmo and Podyjí. Since 2017, it has officially covered the tourism industry of the entire Znojmo district.

As a non-profit registered association, it brings together members and partners from cities and municipalities as well as businesses and non-profit entities. It supports their mutual communication, cooperation and common share in the development of tourism in the region. It combines their diverse offer into thematic units and packages connecting attractive excursion destinations with quality tourist services. 

It presents the region as a unique whole with a varied offer of tourist attractions for all target groups of visitors. It also actively searches for and maps lesser-known and unseen ones tourist locations or hobby activities.

Provides education and information sharing for workers in the local tourism industry, is an information superstructure of tourist information centers in the region. It organizes its own professional conferences to support regional development.

Provides up-to-date information to domestic and foreign media, organizes informative press trips for journalists, recommends suitable locations to film companies and travel agencies and agencies, supports congress and incentive tourism, promotes and represents the region at tourism fairs, publishes own information materials, communicates with the public...

It cooperates with other authorities and coordinators of tourism in the Czech Republic during the presentation of national tourism. They participate in cross-border cooperation projects.

Monitors and evaluates statistical data and attendance indicators in the region with the aim of optimizing attendance taking into account the geographical possibilities of the region and the given time of year.

He believes that the area of ​​Znojmo and Podyjí deserves to be discovered and admired…